Saturday, April 2, 2011

Reason of the day to Babywear

They are so pretty!!!! when you have a stroller you get just one stroller and they are pretty boring but with wraps you can have a couple for the price of 1 stroller. When you get bored of the wrap they are easy to trade/sell to get new ones there are so may styles/materials you will never get bored of wrapping!!!!

currently I have 3 woven wraps and 4 comfy joey ring slings and I have a NMMT on the way!!!!!


  1. Are these meetings replacing the Central Library meetings? I was going to meet up with the mamma there this month to teach her how to DIY her own wrap but if the meetings are moving then I will get her to come to my place.

  2. nope they are still doing the tuesday ones we are just adding this one as well.
