Thursday, March 31, 2011

Reason of the Day to Babywear...

To get things DONE!!! When my little E has whiny days and doesn't want to be put down, but I have things to do it drives me nuts! Well, with babywearing, grab a sling, and put them on your front, or even better your back, and off you go. Babe is happy because they are right next to mum or dad, and you are happy because you are doing what you need to!!

This is a picture of my husband wearing E while he does some work in the garage!

I just got a box of slings in the mail today that I ordered. Lots of pouches, a Mei Tai and a wrap. If you are interested in borrowing anything, let us know!

Happy babywearing!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Reason of the day to Babywear

To be hands FREE!!!!!

I have 2 children 18 months apart if I didn't babywear I don't know what I would have done. Chasing after an 18 month old with a new born was much easier when the baby was securely attached to me!

(Yes there is a baby in there she was only 2 weeks old in this picture.)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Reason of the Day to Babywear!

So your baby doesn't have to wear this ...
Plagiocephaly - where your babies head becomes flat on the back or one side - is becoming more and more common. It happens when a baby spends too much time laying on their back. This flat head is a problem, because if it isn't returned to its normal shape by about 18 months, the bones fuse and babies head stays that shape. The incidence of plagiocephaly has and is increasing at alarming rates. Why does this happen you ask? No, its not from sleeping, after all babies have been sleeping lying down forever, and this is an increasing problem in our society.

Its because of these

Think about it ... how long does your baby sit - with pressure against their head - in one of these seats? In one mall trip, a baby can be put in the seat, then in the car, then clipped into the stroller, then back into the car to go home - creating HOURS that the baby is lying in the same position. Not good for baby's head (not to mention their development).

So whats the solution? PICK UP YOUR BABY!!! Grab a sling, and wear your baby when you go for a walk or go to the mall instead of using the car seat/stroller combo!

Happy Babywearing!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Welcome to London Ontario Babywearing

Hi All,

Welcome to the blog of London, Ontario Babywearers. We seek to provide information about babywearing to local mamas and papas and caregivers. We are working on this site to have great information about different carriers, about the benefits of babywearing, and how to wear your baby.

We are going to start having regular babywearing meetings, at our friends Life with Baby ( who have generously donated their space to us. Please check back for our first meeting.

We are also working on a small lending library of carriers. If you are interested in borrowing a carrier to try, please contact us.