Thursday, March 31, 2011

Reason of the Day to Babywear...

To get things DONE!!! When my little E has whiny days and doesn't want to be put down, but I have things to do it drives me nuts! Well, with babywearing, grab a sling, and put them on your front, or even better your back, and off you go. Babe is happy because they are right next to mum or dad, and you are happy because you are doing what you need to!!

This is a picture of my husband wearing E while he does some work in the garage!

I just got a box of slings in the mail today that I ordered. Lots of pouches, a Mei Tai and a wrap. If you are interested in borrowing anything, let us know!

Happy babywearing!


  1. Aw, I love it. This is how it goes in our house too - Daddy and baby hanging out in the garage, getting things done. :)
    Love the mei tai too - is it one of Michelle's?

  2. isn't it a pretty mei tai!! its a Hopp wrap that had been converted in to a mei tai.
