Thursday, April 23, 2015

Welcome Back!

Hello, and welcome to the London Babywearer's blog! I haven't been very diligent about updating this blog, and for that, I apologize. I really do want to keep this as updated as possible, but (as it does for a lot of us) life gets in the way of our best intentions. Here's hoping that this time I'll be able to keep up!

Many updates in our group! We are a growing group, with (on average) 25 people attending our monthly meetings. Lots of new faces, and several "regulars," who have become great ambassadors for our group, welcoming new attendees. We continue to meet on the second Thursday of each month at Rebirth Wellness Centre, and I'm hoping to start facilitating evening or weekend meetings for folks that are unable to attend weekday morning meetings. Our Facebook group has over 500 members, and is quite an active group  with lots of advice sought and given, and wraps and carriers being bought and sold.

We recently held an incredibly successful online auction, and raised over $700 to build our library! A big, HUGE thank you to both our donors and bidders! With the money raised, I have requested some Huggaloops (which we will hopefully see in May), purchased a Mei Tai, and will be getting not one, but TWO Tula's (both a standard and a toddler). If I have enough left, I'm hoping to buy a Beco Soleil or an Onya carrier. 

Speaking of our lending library, I continue to see lots of wraps and carriers go out each month. I am thrilled to be able to offer this service to attendees, and hope that I'm able to continue this for a long time. While it doesn't happen very often, sometimes a carrier forgets to make its way home to me. When a carrier isn't returned on time, it impacts the larger group, as I won't have that carrier to show, teach with, and share until it is returned. Thankfully, we've only had this happen a few times, and I hope it continues to be an infrequent occurrence. 

Overall, I'm thrilled with how this group as been revived over the past year! We have had visits from mompreneurs sharing their brilliant ideas, experienced Babywearers teaching their tricks of the trade, and have seen many moms become confident in wearing their children. 

I am continually honoured to be the leader of such an amazing group, and feel privileged to count myself amongst the members of this group. 

I hope to see many of you at our next meeting, which will be May 14, 2015, from 10-11:30am at Rebirth Wellness Centre. 

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