Thursday, April 23, 2015

Welcome Back!

Hello, and welcome to the London Babywearer's blog! I haven't been very diligent about updating this blog, and for that, I apologize. I really do want to keep this as updated as possible, but (as it does for a lot of us) life gets in the way of our best intentions. Here's hoping that this time I'll be able to keep up!

Many updates in our group! We are a growing group, with (on average) 25 people attending our monthly meetings. Lots of new faces, and several "regulars," who have become great ambassadors for our group, welcoming new attendees. We continue to meet on the second Thursday of each month at Rebirth Wellness Centre, and I'm hoping to start facilitating evening or weekend meetings for folks that are unable to attend weekday morning meetings. Our Facebook group has over 500 members, and is quite an active group  with lots of advice sought and given, and wraps and carriers being bought and sold.

We recently held an incredibly successful online auction, and raised over $700 to build our library! A big, HUGE thank you to both our donors and bidders! With the money raised, I have requested some Huggaloops (which we will hopefully see in May), purchased a Mei Tai, and will be getting not one, but TWO Tula's (both a standard and a toddler). If I have enough left, I'm hoping to buy a Beco Soleil or an Onya carrier. 

Speaking of our lending library, I continue to see lots of wraps and carriers go out each month. I am thrilled to be able to offer this service to attendees, and hope that I'm able to continue this for a long time. While it doesn't happen very often, sometimes a carrier forgets to make its way home to me. When a carrier isn't returned on time, it impacts the larger group, as I won't have that carrier to show, teach with, and share until it is returned. Thankfully, we've only had this happen a few times, and I hope it continues to be an infrequent occurrence. 

Overall, I'm thrilled with how this group as been revived over the past year! We have had visits from mompreneurs sharing their brilliant ideas, experienced Babywearers teaching their tricks of the trade, and have seen many moms become confident in wearing their children. 

I am continually honoured to be the leader of such an amazing group, and feel privileged to count myself amongst the members of this group. 

I hope to see many of you at our next meeting, which will be May 14, 2015, from 10-11:30am at Rebirth Wellness Centre. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Welcome back!

Good evening!

This blog hasn't been updated in a while, but I think it's time it saw some more action. Given that our little group has exploded over the summer, and not everyone uses Facebook, I believe that this is a great way to spread the word about our group.

Please stay tuned for more frequent posts.

Happy Babywearing!

C :o)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hi Everyone! Friendly reminder that we have a meeting tomorrow - May 11th at 9:30-11:30 at Rebirth Wellness Centre (256 Central Ave)

Anyone have anythoughts about whether I should keep at this page and try to update it more often, or just stick with the Facebook? Those of you following us here, are you on our facebook group?? Come join us at


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Babywearing social event!!

I am opening my home to anyone in this group who'd be interested in getting together on February 24th. If you are interested, please comment below with what time of day works best for you. Thanks! ~C

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Did you wear your little one today?

I haven't had the chance yet today, but I did yesterday! I had company coming over and needed to vacuum. My Little Giant has a strange fascination with the vacuum cleaner, which makes for an interesting sight, given his new ability to toddle around after me. So, up he went on my back with my beautiful Didy Waves Aubergine. He giggled while I tied him in, and then played with my earrings and hair while I was able to get the house tidied up in record time. Another benefit was I only had to clean up his toys once, rather than again and again as he enjoys dumping them out as soon as I put them away.

So...did you wear your little one recently? Share your thoughts in the comments below, or post on our Facebook page!

Happy Babywearing!
C :o)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Upcoming meeting!

A quick reminder about our next meeting which is coming up this Friday, February 10 from 9:30am-11:30am at the Rebirth Wellness Centre (256 Central Ave.). Please note the change in time from previous meetings! Our meetings are free of charge, are drop in, and will have several wraps and carriers available to try as well as to borrow!

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Happy babywearing! :o)

Monday, January 23, 2012


I came across this picture while cruising a great FB page:

The picture is cringe-worthy, but a great illustration as to why properly structured carriers are better for the wee one who is going for a ride. The SSC pictured is an Ergo, but could easily be replaced with a Beco, a Manduca, or a NMMT/BT. 

Happy Babywearing! C :o)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Social gathering this week?

Are you feeling the mid-winter blues? Need a reason to get out of the house? I may have the solution (for this week, anyway).

We are thinking of a social gathering this week! How does Friday at 1:30 at the Central Library, in the children's section sound? Feel free to leave your comments below, or pop over to our Facebook page (search "London Babywearers and FSOT) to share your thoughts!

Also, a change in our meeting times: we will now be meeting the second Friday of each month from 9:30am until 11:30am, to help work around a scheduling conflict at the (re)birth centre. Many thanks to Jodi and her team for generously allowing us to continue to use their beautiful space each month.
Happy Babywearing!
~C :o)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy New Year!

Just a quick post this time, to update you on the meeting this month.

We will be meeting at the rebirth wellness centre (formerly Life With Baby) on Friday, January 13th from 10am til noon. The address is 256 Central Ave., London. There is lots of metered parking on Central Ave., and free parking on the smaller side streets if you're up for a walk. Feel free to bring your own wrap or carrier for some help, or browse through our large lending library and try something new! Items from the lending library are available to borrow, just ask!

Also, a question for our readers: would there be any interest in a social gathering in between the monthly meetings? I would be willing to host a group at my house if there was interest. Please post your thoughts in comments, or on our FB page - search "London ON Babywearers and FSOT" to find us. This is also where you can post your carriers for sale, or search for a new pretty for your collection. Thanks in advance!

Looking forward to seeing you next Friday. Happy babywearing!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Changes and a contest!

Good evening! It is almost DECEMBER! I can hardly believe that this year has gone by so quickly. I have finally started my Christmas shopping - the earliest I have ever started. Normally, I wait for snow. Enough about me, on to baby wearing news!

First, a reminder about the next baby wearing meeting. Though the place we meet hasn't changed, you might notice the name on the sign is different. It now reads the (re)birth wellness centre. The lovely ladies inside still offer the same fantastic support and services, just with a new name.

Our next meeting is on Friday, December 2 from 10am til noon at the (re)birth centre, 256 Central Ave. in downtown London. Parking is available at meters on Central Ave. and Wellington St., or free if you are willing to walk a bit further from a side street.

I also wanted to let our followers know about a contest that Michelle from Natural Mother Productions is running just in time for Christmas. Everyone who enters has a chance to win a custom NPM baby carrier! Check out "Natural Mother Productions" on Facebook and check under "Notes" for more details on how to enter and win.

Looking forward to seeing lots of mamas (and daddies, of course!) at the meeting next week!